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As tree huggers and responsible citizens, we founded Jacaranda to provide high-quality clothing that is far more environmentally friendly than most clothing made today.

Hemp provides the agriculture world's oldest and most durable natural fibers

Wears in, not out!

UV resistant

Uses the least amount of resources to produce!

Requiring minimal water, land, and fertilizers with no pesticides, hemp cultivation is easy with low environmental impact

Hemp cycles massive amounts of carbon back into the soil while sucking polluting metals out of it, making for a greener, healthier, happier planet.

60% of its nutrients are returned to the Earth when dried in the field, promoting minimal waste practices

Hemp vs Cotton



Land required to grow



Water used to grow



Time required to grow



Herbicides used

(cotton accounts for 7% worldwide)



In tensile and flexible strength



Insecticides used

(cotton accounts for 16% worldwide)

Anchor 1


While white tees are our signature product, on the horizon are naturally dyed long-sleeve tees, hoodies, hacky sacks, yoga pants, button-ups, socks, caps, chalk bags, and even sheets – you name it. 

Because transparency is one of our values, we will tell it to you straight: we must sell this batch before moving onto subsequent products that we are exited to share. We can then make the switch to 100% hemp from the hemp/organic cotton blend. If you like what you see, or have any feedback, please let us know! Then, share with your friends, and support. Love you!

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What is Hemp?

  • An herbaceous, fast-growing plant

  • Continuously and legally grown for over 10,000 years

  • Over 25,000 uses like fabric, food, medicine, biodiesel fuel, paper, rope, building material (hempcrete), and more

  • Marijuana's non-psychoactive cousin

  • Naturally moisture wicking and insulating due to comparable kinetic energy levels of human skin

Hemp in History

  • 10,000 BC - One of the first cultivated crops, continously grown in China since

  • 8,000 BC - Oldest found human relic is a piece of Mesopotamian hemp fabric used to make cord or cloth

  • 150 BC - First converted into textiles and paper in Northern China

  • 1215 - Magna Carta written on hemp paper

  • 1492 - Sails that bring colonialism to North America are made of hemp

  • 1535, King Henry XIII required all British farm owners to sow at least one-quarter acre of hemp

  • 1611 - King James Bible written on hemp paper

  • 17th C c. - Early days of the United States revolve around a hemp-based society; was a cash crop

  • 1760s - George Washington and Thomas Jefferson farm hemp 

  • 1776 - Declaration of Independence drafts written on hemp paper

  • 1787 -  Constitution drafts written on hemp paper

  • 1937 - accounted for 80% of fibrous goods prior to the invention of nylon

  • 2001 - was utilized and deemed successful in cleaning up the surrounding land at Chornobyl

Reefer Madness

  • 1794 - Introduction of the cotton gin made the fabrication of cotton products more efficient, triggering hemp's decline in popularity

  • 1913 - California and Texas outlaw the recreational use of cannabis, including hemp

  • 1919 - steam engines replace hemp sails; cotton textiles surpassed hemp fabric

  • 1930 - newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst runs infamous, stigmatizing “Reefer Madness” campaign to combat hemp overtaking traditional paper-making operations

  • 1937 - The Marijuana Tax Act placed a heavy tax on cannabis products

  • 1939 - Dupont, the fossil fuel company, funded efforts to sway the population towards nylon instead of hemp

  • 1958 - The last significant harvest of industrial hemp in the United States

Happily Ever After

  • No longer a schedule one drug, but a commodity crop instead

  • Since 2019, 46 states are permitted to grow hemp commercially

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